Cīrava watermill
The watermill of Cīrava manor is an architectural monument under the state’s proctetion. Cīrava watermill was built in 1881. Currently, it hosts the centre for non – formal education centre and artists’ residence and culture called “Cita abra”. The centre is open for visitors during summer season!
Address: Cīrava
Phone: (+371) 22589000
GPS: 56.736281, 21.384323

Workshop “LaLu”
In the workshop “LaLu” it is possible to buy toys, hats, gloves, matches and painted silk scarves and ties created by Laila Luzere, both for adults and children. Also offering jewelry, feltings, various accessories and souvenirs. The workshop accepts individual orders. The products can be purchased both in the workshop and by placing an order remotely. Gift cards available!
Address: Sakas iela 15, Aizpute
Phone: (+371) 26878579
E – mail: lalu@inbox.lv
Web: www.facebook.com/laludarbnica, Instagram: darbnicalalu

Workshop “LaLu”
The workshop creates crocheted, knitted and sewn toys, as well as hats, gloves, matches with knitted fine pearl patterns, silk scarves, shawls and ties for all ages. In the workshop you can also buy jewelry, feltings and souvenirs made by the owner. For social events and creative workshops, there is a landscaped garden with various activities for all age groups. Book your visit in advance!
Address: Sakas iela 15, Aizpute, GPS: 56.722931, 21.588042
Phone: (+371) 26878579
Web: www.facebook.com/laludarbnica, Instagram: darbnicalalu

Forest Designed
Entirely grown design objects and furniture – if you believe in the unbelievable, you can see the invisible! Book your visit in advance (summer season!).
Phone: (+371) 28449044
Internet: www.facebook.com/ForestDesigned
GPS: 56.71750, 21.48075

Basket weaver worhshop of Rozenbahi
The Rozenbahi family makes baskets, teens, trays, picnic and firewood baskets, flower vases, strip baskets, as well as wooden products – meat and bread boards, beer boxes, etc. Accepts orders, as well as products can be purchased on site in Aizpute or at various craft fairs. Local, self-produced and processed material, 100% handmade.
Address: Raiņa bulvāris 12, Aizpute
Phone: (+371) 25129456
E – mail: artursrozenbahs1@inbox.lv
Internet: https://www.facebook.com/klugu.pinumi

The Sound Trail
Cīrava Mežaparks has a new nature trail “The sound trail”. It places five different sound objects that haven`t been used in Latvia before in five different locations in the trail. Sound objects are made of metal and can create sounds.
Address: Cīrava
Phone number: (+371) 26121069, (+371) 25435898

Legend Trail
Sculpture symposium “Cirava Park Legends” organized by the association “Cita Abra” was held at the park of Ciravas castle. Symposium was attended by eight representatives of Latvian fine art, and a wooden sculpture trail was created with freely available artwork for everybody.
Sculptures are made of wrapped and parched in the wind ash trees, without altering their natural position.
Address: Cīrava
Phone number: (+371) 25435898

Rope park “Cietais rieksts”
Rope park offers activities for lovers of active recreation, where you can try out your strenght on different heights and complexities, overcoming vertical and horizontal obstacles in the tower of a unique construction.
Address: Ūdensrozes, Kazdangas pagasts, Aizputes novads
Phone number: (+371) 29243273
Web: www.laukukurorts.lv

Water tower
The water tower was built in 1960 and was used until 2009. In 2009., the city’s water management structure changed and the tower was completely excluded from the common water supply system. The tower’s highest point is 27m from the ground. Right now the industrial heritage object -Aizpute`s water tower is opened as view tower. Address: Atmodas iela 32 C, Aizpute, (+371) 28617307; Entrance cost: 1 EUR
Tuesday – Friday 10:00 – 18:00, Saturday 10:00 – 15:00, Monday, Sunday – CLOSED!

Wakeboard park “Fun Wave”
Leisure complex “Lauku Kūrorta Ciems” offers WakeBoard park “Fun Wave”. Cable wakeboardis a surface water sport which involves riding a wakeboard over the surface of water in which the skier`s rope and handle are pulled by an electrically-driven cable. Wakeboarding is suitable for women and man in any age.
Address: Ūdensrozes, Kazdangas pagasts, Aizputes novads
Phone number: (+371) 29243273
Web: https://www.facebook.com/laukukurorts/

Memorial site for Latvian singer Mārtiņš Freimanis
The musician, poet and actor Mārtiņš Freimanis (1977-2011) was born and raised in Aizpute where he also attended Aizpute secondary school. M. Freimanis was buried in Misiņkalns cemetery in Aizpute. The sculptor Uldis Zariņš is the author of the memorial stone.
Address: Brīvības iela, Aizpute
More information: vardnica.aizpute.lv

Memorial plate of Latvian singer Mārtiņš Freimanis` childhood house
In 2014 at the International Cast Iron Symposium, the sculptor Kārlis Alainis created and cast a memorial plate for the famous late Latvian musician.
Address: Kalvenes iela 30, Aizpute
More information: vardnica.aizpute.lv

Jewish Cemetery
The cemetery was founded in the late 18th century, and it still has the largest part of the gravestones. Some of them are truly unique: they are made of cast iron and have Hebrew letter-shaped inscriptions in German.
Address: Kalvenes iela (at the end of the Kalvene street, before the Aizpute border)

Monument of Juris Zinbergs
The monument to the teacher and one of the main organisers of the unrest in 1905 – the revolutionary Juris Zinbergs – was unveiled in 1926, at the place of his death, on one side of the road to Rokaiži Manor.
Address: Rokaiži, Kazdangas pagasts
More information: vardnica.aizpute.lv

Fricis Brīvzemnieks` memorial stone
Opposite the execution place of the national revolutionary J. Zinbergs, there was a pub building – the birth place in 1846 of folklorist Fricis Brīvzemnieks (Treilands). His father was a saddler who rented the Rokaiži pub temporarily from the Baron. The memorial stone to the poet and folklorist Fricis Brīvzemnieks (1846-1907) was unveiled in 1982.
Address: Rokaiži, Kazdangas pagasts
More information: vardnica.aizpute.lv

Valātas castle mound
3 km from the center of Kazdanga between Vecpilis and Valāti is the Valata castle mound. In terms of area, one of the largest castle mounds in Course. Naturally protected from three sides, but on the north side there are two banks of earth and two ditches. Behind the ditches there used to be an old city which was several hectares big. Castle mound is one of the most beautiful in Kurzeme. There`s an outlined guess, that on the castle mound was located the Lažas castle,which was mentioned in the Rhymes Chronicle, and it was burned down in 1263 by Germans.

Monument to the Revolutionaries of 1905
Almost 100 fighters perished here in 1905. They had been surrounded on three sides when the baron and Russian army fired at them. The events of 16 December 1905 in Aizpute are commemorated with the stone monument in Rokasbirze, and it has the flag of Latvia and the names of the victims engraved on it. Nearby is another monument of a height of several meters
Address: Rokasbirze, Aizputes pagasts

Neredzīgais Indriķis (“Blind Indriķis”) memorial
A couple of kilometres away from Apriķi, towards Aizpute, there is the Ģiborti cemetry where the Latvian peasant-poet and song-writer Neredzīgais Indriķis (“Blind Indriķis”, 1783-1828) is buried. Altought Indriķis was iliterate and lost his eyesight at early age of 5, he was inspired by church songs of G.F.Stender. He was the first Latvian whose collection of poems was published for the public in 1806.
Address: Ģibortu kapi, Lažas pagasts
More information: vardnica.aizpute.lv

Dzintare Hillfort
In Rhytm Chronicle is told about fight of German crusaders, who have attacked army of Curonian and Lithuanian tribes settled in Dzintare Hillfort in 1261. The moat of the fortress was filled with fire-wood and burned. The attackers killed all of its defenders, including boys older than eleven years old and women who didn’t want to beg for their lifes. Dzintare Hillfort is located on the bank of the Tebra River, at the outfall of the Grapste River in Tebra, near the Aizpute-Apriķi-Pāvilosta road.

In August 2016, in the framework of the 13th International Cast Iron Symposium, the artist Kārlis Alainis created a large-scale knight sculpture. After the symposium the sculpture were processed and on April 1, 2017, the sculpture was placed at the Livonian Order Castle ruins as a sightseeing place for Aizputes citizens and guests of the city. The knight’s sculpture was created in cooperation with the artists workshop and residences center SERDE.
Address: Liepājas iela 9, Aizpute

Wall painting
Canadian film maker Reiner Derdo, using the Canadian artist Sylvia Borda sketches, near the SERDES residences center did a wall painting on a house that is located at Atmodas iela 11. Sylvia Borda has visited Aizpute several times because of the framework of the project “Frontiers in Retreat”. Artist got inspired by Aizputes old apple tree gardens. Sylvia Borda have done sketches for Kalvenes and Atmodas streets which in the future could be painted with apples and apple flower motives too.
Address: Atmodas iela 11, Aizpute

Linmeijers wall decoration
In 2016 in cooperation with the artist Gerda Stūre, work has begun on creating a large-format wall design on the east wall of the old Linmeiers building. The main composition is formed by transforming the main wall of the house into a triumphal arch, inspired by Latvia in the 20th century in 20th-30th years architecture […]

The carved sculpture “Pandas” was made in Aizpute, at the artist workshop and residences center SERDE. Sculptures author is young artist Jasush Kome from Japan. The place, where the sculpture is now, has been chosen by the artist himself. The sculpture is a tribute to all mothers with babies.
Address: Square between Liepājas iela and Katoļu iela

Cast Iron horn
Cast iron sculpture “Speak Aizpute” was created in 2009 by Estonian artist Ullo Karro in cooperation with the artist’s workshop and residences center SERDE. The sculpture is located on the Aizpute Market Square.

Art gallery “Mētras māja”
Address: Pasta iela 1a, Aizpute
Phone: (+371) 29545975
Business hours: Workdays 10:00 – 17:00, Saturday 10:00 – 14:00, Sunday – closed!
Shop “Stilīgais rūķis”
Address: Zvaigžņu iela 2, Aizpute (Shopping centre “Aizpute”, 2nd floor)
Phone: (+371) 26895039
Business hours: Wokdays 10:00 – 18:00, Saturday 10:00 – 15:00, Sunday – closed!

Silkscreen printing workshop Aizpute
a.izpute – silkscreen printing workshop where works three creative girls from Aizpute. Screen printing or direct printing on textile is one of the ways in which from different thickness sieve with a rubber spatula are printed color to the material – cardboard, paper, wood, cork, etc. We print on: T-shirts, different types of fabric, cardboard and paper.
Address: Jelgavas iela 19, Aizpute
Phone: (+371) 29759449 (Linda), (+371) 29862230 (Arita), (+371) 23775504 (Sandra)
Web: www.facebook.com/aizputeskrekli

A Notebook of Traditions
From 2007 the Interdisciplinary Art Group SERDE published several Notebooks of Traditions, in which is published expeditions and documented the traditional cultural evidence – different skills, traditions and experience of stories. The notebook of traditions series currently issued in 18 publications.
Shoping on – line: www.serde.lv
Phone: (+371) 29817180 (Signe Pucena)

Silkscreen printing “Sapņu fabrika”
The printing is made in silkscreen printing technique, in which drawing design in special frames, is put on desirable material and with special color pulled down the chosen picture. This technique is applied to textiles – paper/ paperboard, fabrics, wood, metal and other surfaces, but mainly on T-shirts. “Sapņu fabrika” also develop individual themes for larger orders.
Address: Kalvenes iela 18, Aizpute
E – mail: kariiniite54@inbox.lv
Web: www.facebook.com/Sapnu-fabrika

Smukumlietu skrodernīca
Cute and beautiful thing form babies and little children.
Clothing and accessories – hand made with love!
Web: www.facebook.com/smukumlietuskrodernica

Aizpute gardening
Z/S (Farm) “Grietas” offers flowers’ and vegetables seedlings and trade. Open all year.
Address: Kalvenes iela 82, Aizpute
Phone: (+371) 26449833
Business hours: open when gates are open!

Z/S Amaranti
Z/S (Farm) “Amaranti” in Aizpute parish offers purchase lily flowers and seedlings. Opportunity to shop on – line!
Web page: www.amaranti.lv
Phone: (+371) 29219078 (Inguna Vālodze)

Place, where you can puchase local goods – vegetables, beries, fruits, dairy products, meet, fishes, also clothing and footwear.
Address: Zvaigžņu iela, Aizpute
Business hours: Monday – Saturday 7:00 – 14:00, Sunday – closed!

Second – hands hops
Shops that offer a different shopping experience and in oppurtunity to buy clothing, footwear, household goods, interior objects and other useful things on low prices [...]

Kurzemes pilots
Leisure flights above the Kurzeme from Cīrava aerodrome. Give flight as a gift, spend a romantic evening with the sunset from an unusual point of view, or see your house from the bird’s flight. Book your visit in advance!
Phone: (+371) 28355869
Web: www.facebook.com/kurzemespilots

Automobile “VOLGA” rental
Road transport complex „PALAST” offers rent of legendary soviet automobile GAZ 24-01 „VOLGA” for ceremonial gatherings and rides. Car is driven by polite, kind and friendly drivers who, if asked in advance, will dress up in uniforms according to best fashion trends of 70’s and 80’s.
Phone: (+371) 28633808
Web: facebook.com/palast.lv

Bee house in Cīrava
Beekeeper Baiba Tikuma’s introduction to bee keeping in the apiary in summer will give you information about the life of bee community, as well as an opportunity to try out the beekeeping trade, or experience the relaxation and helth cures in the bee “healing room”. In the winter season, visitors are offered bee product tasting and wax candle making. Book your visit in advance.
Address: Cīravas Ķēniņi, Cīravas pagasts
Phone: (+371) 26446701
Web page: www.cirava.lv

Aizpute is the largest and oldest town in the vicinity of Liepaja. In our streets the past and the present meet, and the historical heritage gets along well with our days. Aizpute’s historic center with its wood architecture, which is rightly included in the European cultural heritage list, its truly a museum under the open […]

Aizpute winery
Aizpute winery in the old vaulted cellar of Aizpute castle manor provides information about wine making and offers wine tasting of locally produced wines. Book your wisit in advance.
Address: Skolas iela 1, Aizpute
Phone: (+371) 26397949
E-mail: info@ekovins.lv
Web page: www.aizputesvins.lv

Soviet times dolls collection
The collection includes stylized dolls in folk costumes manufactured by the Latvian factories “Straume” and rubber toys produced by “Dobele”. The largest part of the collection consists of dolls made in Russia and East Germany.
Address: Atmodas iela 16, Aizpute
Phone: (+371) 28617307
Opening hours: Tuesday – Friday 10:00 – 18:00; Saturday 10:00 – 15:00; Sunday and Monady – Closed!
Entrance fee: 1, 50 EUR (free entrance for children under age of 4)

Art gallery “Mētras māja”
Under one roof of Mētras māja there are guest house, tourism information point, art galleria, shop, beauty salon and artists studio. In art galleria there are painting, photography, glass art, ceramics, sculpture and other exhibitions with participants of Latvian and foreign artists, and small concerts with performances of guest artists. Artists studio is a spacious room with special aura and average size graphic art etching press, gives a possibility for professionals and amateurs to try the technique of graphics.
Address: Jelgavas iela 26, Aizpute (during renovation)
Phone: (+371) 29545975
Web page: www.metra-a.lv